by Eunice Sng | Oct 29, 2022 | Opinion (2022)
Imagine entering a time portal. You can rewind time to encounter your partner before you were together or seek out a future version of them when they are older. Would you still develop a close relationship with them? How about facing someone completely...
by Eunice Sng | Oct 28, 2022 | Opinion (2022)
Toy-like beeps punctuate the air as the Ikarie XB-1 spaceship zips across the cosmos. A rickety robot called Patrick clumsily rolls across the floor, answering commands from its owner in a deadpan voice. Accustomed to advanced computer-generated graphics and...
by Eunice Sng | Oct 22, 2022 | Opinion (2022)
Click. A snap on the camera captures a moment in time, whether it is a fresh graduate collecting his degree scroll or a couple raising their glasses to a toast at their wedding. Before the age of smartphones, we printed photographs and arranged them neatly into...