• Daryl Cheong
    For many Singaporean filmgoers, we might not be familiar with the iconic Scala Cinema in Thailand that was demolished during the pandemic. Despite that, any audience member watching the film Scala would relate to the communal sense of loss from that historic site. Like all old landmarks that were torn
  • Daryl Cheong
    In this new age of streaming and dwindling cinema patrons, there is a growing sentiment that cinema is dead. With mm2 shutting down The Cathay Cineplex or Filmgarde closing the Bugis Plus branch, cinematic spaces are threatened by changing financial and viewership landscapes. Why should we not believe that cinema
  • Valerie Tang
      At 9pm on June 26 2022, the Cathay Cineplex at 2 Handy Road screened its last movie—Top Gun: Maverick—before shuttering its doors forever.1 Operator mm2 Asia, which has been running the network of Cathay Cineplex theatres since 2017, identified the closure as a “business decision”, explaining it as “part
  • Eunice Sng
      Imagine entering a time portal. You can rewind time to encounter your partner before you were together or seek out a future version of them when they are older. Would you still develop a close relationship with them? How about facing someone completely different from the one you’re used
  • Daryl Cheong
      We should celebrate going to therapy. For the longest time and for some sub-cultures today, to declare that we go for therapy sessions might be synonymous with a declaration of weaknesses. Even though counselling services populate schools, government agencies, and even workspaces, the fear of being seen to reach
  • Ben Slater
    I can trace the beginning of my love of cinema to when I was three or four years old. My father decided it was time for me to start watching ‘proper’ films, not just kids’ stuff. As an early adopter of the Betamax Video Recorder he could record films from